官方登录 has consolidated all services related to viewing and paying your student, 教师, 或将员工账单汇入一个方便的网站: ePay. 电子支付是安全的, 在线门户网站,您可以查看您的帐户活动, 支付, 制定付款计划.
它是安全的 - Pay online knowing your information is secured using industry standard protection.
它是方便的 - ePay让您和您的父母全天候查看和支付您的账单.
它的速度非常快 -赶在最后期限前付款已经是过去式了. Payments made through our ePay system 将 update your student account in real-time.
- 登录CMU移动App
- 在导航菜单中,点击“ePay”
- 登录到 MAVzone
- 转到“应用程序”
- 找到ePay应用程序
- 通过单击星形图标(可选)将应用程序添加到您的收藏夹中
- 登录CMU移动App
- 在导航菜单中,点击“ePay”
- 登录到 MAVzone
- 转到“应用程序”
- 找到ePay应用程序
- 通过单击星形图标(可选)将应用程序添加到您的收藏夹中
一旦你的学生给你权限, you 将 receive two email confirmations: one containing a username and direct link to the ePay门户, 另一个是临时密码. Log in to view bills, receive billing statements, 支付 制定付款计划.
- 通过我们的安全登录 授权用户门户
- 在“授权用户”下输入电子邮件地址和密码
所有学生账户账单将以电子方式分发, 也就是说你不会收到纸质账单. 当您收到电子账单时,我们将通过电子邮件通知您. Please complete the following steps in order to grant authorized users access to your bill.
- 转到ePay(通过CMU移动应用程序或MAVzone应用程序)
- 点击“授权用户,在菜单的右边
- 点击“添加授权用户”
- 输入信息、继续和保存
- 家长将收到一封电子邮件,其中包含登录名和密码
一旦你的学生给你权限, you 将 receive two email confirmations: one containing a username and direct link to the ePay门户, 另一个是临时密码. Log in to view bills, receive billing statements, 支付 制定付款计划.
- 通过我们的安全登录 授权用户门户
- 在“授权用户”下输入电子邮件地址和密码
会有一个2.信用卡/借记卡支付的95% PayPath处理服务费. 有 没有成本 使用 网络检查 有路由号和账号. 在您的ePay中保存支票帐户作为付款方式, 从CMU移动应用程序或MAVzone开始完成以下步骤.
- 转到ePay(通过CMU移动应用程序或MAVzone应用程序)
- 点击右侧菜单上的“Payment Profile”
- Select “Add New Payment Method” and choose “Electronic Check” to enter the information.
这学期还有结余吗? Did you know you can use one of the semester payment plans to help meet your educational expenses? 来支付你的教育费用, 官方登录 offers three convenient ways for you to make monthly, 每半月一次, 或者每周自动付款,没有利息或滞纳金. Set up to have your balance paid in installments automatically deducted from your checking account for FREE, 或信用卡,方便费2元.95%. 付款日期取决于你选择的计划. You 将 receive email 不ifications as your plan adjusts according to changes on your account.
- 转到ePay(通过CMU移动应用程序或MAVzone应用程序)
- 点击顶部菜单上的“付款计划”
- 点击“立即报名”
- 选择“月”、“半月”或“周”选项
- 输入信息
如果你有任何未完成的财政援助要求的财政援助, 自动付款计划将会 不 take Financial Aid into consideration when calculating your payment amounts. However, if you have completed all of your financial aid requirements, the Automatic Payment Plan 将 take anticipated Financial Aid into consideration and only your unpaid balance 将 be calculated into the payment plan.
家长加贷款退款现在有资格直接存款. 发起家长+贷款的家长 学生aid.政府 必须是在ePay中注册直接存款的家长吗. They can either be a students 授权用户 or 将 be emailed on the day of the refund to set up a parent refund account in ePay.
Parents 将 be sent an email with these directions when a Parent Plus Refund is eligible to be refunded to the parent.
- 登录 ePay parent portal by utilizing the email on your loan application (the email address this email was sent to)
- 在蓝色菜单栏中,单击“退款”
- 完成两步身份验证
- Once Two-Step Authentication is complete: Click on eRefunds Tab and Select Direct Deposit Method
- 直接退还存款:输入贷款借款人验证信息
- Click Set Up New Account: Enter Account Information as found on personal check: Click Continue and Save
注:出生年月和社会安全号码最后4号必须与贷款借款人的出生年月相符 & 贷款申请中的SSN.
如果退款方法和验证SSN和DOB是不完整的, this 将 delay your refund and may be mailed to the address on the loan application.
一旦你的学生给你权限, you 将 receive two email confirmations: one containing a username and direct link to the ePay门户, 另一个是临时密码. Log in to view bills, receive billing statements, 支付 制定付款计划.
- 通过我们的安全登录 授权用户门户
- 在“授权用户”下输入电子邮件地址和密码
官方登录荣幸地与 GradGuard 为学生和家庭提供学费保险. This protection strengthens our existing refund policy and can provide reimbursement for tuition, 住房, and other 费用 if a student withdraws for a covered medical reason at any time during the covered semester.
The 学费 Protection Plan is offered as a voluntary benefit to our students & 家庭, 参与是完全可选的, 你签署的协议是和GradGuard签订的, 而不是官方登录. 这是官方登录的一个非盈利性合作项目.
GradGuard 学费 Insurance can help students and their 家庭 overcome the financial losses that may result if a student completely withdraws due to a covered medical reason. 购买学费保险是完全可选的. Whether you choose to purchase tuition insurance (and at what total coverage amount) 将 depend on your individual net cost and your personal risk appetite.
有三种级别的保护可供选择. 请访问 GradGuard 浏览承保条款及更多资料.
This tuition insurance plan can reimburse your non-refundable school expenses/payments (tuition, 住房, and other education expenses) after an unexpected complete withdrawal of all classes (at any time during the covered semester) due to a covered illness, 受伤, 心理健康状况等等. Plans also include 学生生活 Assistance: a 24/7 hotline that offers students and parents even greater peace of mind. The deadline to purchase is the day before classes begin for each academic term.
- 欲了解更多信息,请访问: http://gradguard.com/tuition/coloradomesa 或致电877-794- 6603
- GradGuard常见问题解答: http://gradguard.com/support
- 观看这个YouTube视频了解更多信息 信息: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v = F1Dk6LE9QZs&t=2s
Note: You must purchase your insurance prior to the first day of classes each semester for which you want coverage.
适用条款、条件和免责条款. 保险范围由纽约杰弗逊保险公司承保, 行政办公室:里士满, VA), 被A评为“A+”(高级.M. 最好的公司. 并非所有州的居民都可以享受该计划. AGA Service Company is the licensed producer and administrator of this plan and an affiliate of Jefferson Insurance Company. The insured shall 不 receive any special benefit or advantage because of the affiliation between AGA Service Company and Jefferson Insurance Company. Non-insurance benefits/ products are provided and serviced by AGA Service Company. Contact AGA Service Company at 888-427-5045 or 9950 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233 or (电子邮件保护)
索赔可以随时处理. To be eligible for coverage the event/incident must occur within the plan’s coverage period. GradGuard has a 24/7 hotline that offers students and 家庭 support for any claim or coverage-related inquiries.
索赔流程从直接联系GradGuard开始. 对于任何问题,GradGuard FAQ是一个有用的资源: http://gradguard.com/support 或致电866.985.7598
If documentation needs to be completed by the University for related amounts due for tuition, 请立博体育官网 (电子邮件保护). 如果您需要其他形式的文件来支持您的索赔, 如有需要,请联系校园内的适当资源.
查看帐户活动 -查看您最近的帐户活动,包括所有费用和付款.
网络检查 - Pay immediately by having your payment transferred from your checking or savings account. 或者,安排未来的付款. 网络检查 Payments are free; there is no service charge for this type of payment (U.S. 账户).
信用卡 - Make a payment on-line with your Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express credit card. 有一个 2.95% (恕不退还)PayPath处理服务费, 第三方信用卡服务, 用于信用卡/借记卡付款.
电子退款 不要等着收到退款支票. Sign up for electronic refunds to have your refund deposited directly into your checking or savings account. 点击“退款”并设置帐户. 有关退款的更多信息,请浏览: http://krishnaism.myhitech.net/student-accounts/refunds.html